Myths and realities of mental health problems in the World.
M yths and realities of mental health problems in the World Although mental health is considered as an integral part of health, not much work has been done to promote it at the individual and community level. When understood in general language, mental health can be understood as the health of thoughts and behavior in the mind. A mentally healthy person can lead a productive and progressive life by facing various situations in order to live his daily life by recognizing his abilities. Head injuries, malnutrition, drug addiction, bad experiences in life, accidents, torture, trauma, violence etc. affect the emotions, thinking and behavior of the mind. If such effects persist for more than two weeks, it can be said that there is a mental health problem. Although it is possible to treat mental health problems, there is a tendency to hide the problem or seek wrong treatment due to ignorance, stigma, discrimination and stigma towards it. Some myths and realities about mental health 1. Myt...