Stop Youth to be Depressed.


Stop Youth to be Depressed.


Youth age is a prime stage of a human life. Youth age prefers active, energetic and transformational and revolutionary manpower. They are the good messenger of peace, progress, prosperity and healthy world.  The United Nations defines youth as those persons between the ages of 15 to 24 years.

There are 1.2 billion young people aged 15 to 24 years, accounting for 16 percent of the global population.  According to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that make up the 2030 Agenda – The number of youth is projected to have grown by 7 percent, to nearly 1.3 billion by 2030.

Youth are hoping and asking for good future from global leaders. They are demanding more just, equal and progressive future in their societies. It is needed to address the multifaceted challenges faced by young people. The challenges are good education, utilization of knowledge and education, employment opportunity, dignified life, peace and secure life and equality in every field.

Youth and mental health:

Mental health problems like anxiety, depression, stress as a burning wildfire in the planet. 20 percent of adolescents may experience a mental health problem in any given year. 50 percent of mental health problems are established by age 14 and 75 percent by age 24. The prevalence of mental health among youth in 2020-2022 showed almost 2 in 5 people 38.8%, aged 16-24 years, and had a 12 month mental disorder.

The mental health of youth is changing day by day and requires reliable monitoring to endure that adequate social and economic resources are allocated. The prevalence of poor mental health, diagnosis of mood and anxiety disorders, suicidal thoughts, stresses and sleeps problems among the youth.

Depression in Youth:

Youth are facing many new challenges day by day in this Robotics and AI guided scientific world. Youth have to tackle most of the day with symptoms of persistent sadness and grief, anxious always, or vacant and pensive mood. 

The prevalence of feelings of hopelessness, or pessimism, feelings of inferior, feelings of irritation and insecure future, Frustrated and depressed mindset also results the depression. The feelings of uncertainty, unemployment problem, financial problem, stressful workload, broken relationship, family problems also plays vital role to fall in depression.

How to prevent depression in youth?

1.       Educate youth and provide them opportunity.

2.       Give emotional support in every difficulty.

3.       Social support is a key.

4.       Psychological treatment.

5.       Avoid using alcohol and drugs.

6.       Focus on personal health and family health.

7.       Organize motivational and counseling program.

8.       Listen their pain and help them to cope.

9.       Teach them to gain instead of lose.

10.   Engage them in sociable work and religious activities.

11.   Energies them to invent innovative ideas.

12.   Give the guarantee of job.

13.   Make competitors.

14.    Develop as a productive manpower.

15.   Keenly observe their financial problems and give them a way out.

16.   Prioritize their presence for teamwork.

17.   Stop them to run after rumors.

18.   Make them hardworking and laborious.

19.   Build bonding with loved ones.

20.   Less demand and more actions for successful future.



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