How Does Stress in the Mind Affect the Mechanism of the Body? How to Reduce It ?
Stress is an emotional state. When we are in a state of stress, it not only drains the mind, but also affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys, digestive system and nervous system.
After all, how does stress in the mind affect the mechanism of the body?
When we are stressed, the pituitary gland in our brain increases the production of the chemical 'cortisol'. Doctors call it 'stress hormone'. That is, this hormone has a role in increasing our stress.
However, the cortisol hormone is not all bad. It is an essential hormone for the body. This hormone is working in heart rate, food digestion process, sugar management in the body, thyroid management. But when it is produced too much or too little, it causes problems.
This hormone is considered to be especially responsible for the stress response. Thus, when we are in a state of stress, the chemical reaction in the body gets disturbed. Due to the increase in cortisol, our body's ability to fight disease becomes weak. It also increases the risk of viral infection.
When the stress situation lasts for a long time, the skin starts to crack. Signs of aging begin to appear on the skin. Its effect on the brain is more. We gradually lose our memory. The more stressed we become, the more relaxed and weak the body becomes. It can cause psychological distress, anxiety, depression, severe mental illness, psychosis and even suicide.
Why stress?
Stress is a spontaneous process. There are about eight billion people in the world. Some of them are not those who are completely free from stress. Stress happens to everyone. But the situation, cause and effect of stress are not the same in people.
Someone has to pay a debt, someone has to be treated for an illness, someone has to settle a case. Some people get stressed due to lack of maturity, some get stressed due to their maturity. Children are stressed about going to school, teenagers are stressed about career, young people are stressed about love and marriage. Stress varies according to age, but no one is free from stress.
Even in the state of hunger, we have a kind of stress. Waiting for a result is also stressful. Stress does happen, but how much or how to deal with it is important. We cannot completely separate stress from our lives. It will be managed.
How many disorders are there in our body. Stool-urine, cough, sweat, bad smell. We cannot completely remove all these things, we can only manage them. Stress is also a disorder of the mind. It is not to remove it but to manage it.
How can stress management be done?
Stress is related to mental health. When we are mentally strong or healthy, stress does not affect us as much.
In order to be mentally healthy, we should not engage in such work-behaviour, which causes stress. Like we failed the exam. It gives stress. But if we had studied diligently, such a result would not have come.
If we drink alcohol uncontrollably throughout the night, the same thing will become our stress tomorrow. If you don't drink alcohol? There was no tension. We quarrel at home for some reason. That fight makes us stressed.
In this way, some wrong things done in work, career, behavior, relationship create stress in us. Apart from that, association, external environment, relationship, behavior lead us to a state of stress. To prevent all these situations from happening, a moderate, balanced and virtuous lifestyle should be adopted. Along with that, if we can make the family relationship smooth, if we can have a balanced relationship with friends, if we can make our behavior transparent and clear, then there will be no way for us to get stressed. This is how stress is layered.
Apart from that, there are some physical exercises, which give us some comfort in stressful situations. Like taking deep breaths, entertaining the mind or forgetting about things that make you happy, reading your favorite book, watching a movie, making sweet food, eating.
In order to manage stress, we need to discipline ourselves as well as being happy and excited.
Tendencies like not being jealous, not being too ambitious, not reacting to everything, always being positive, and respecting everyone reduce stress to a great extent. Stress is very toxic. We think that this is a matter of the mind. But it injures the body itself. So stress must be managed.
1. Don't let stress dominate you
Nowadays stress has become a part of lifestyle and everyone is facing different types of stress. In such a situation, it is important that you do not think that you are alone in stress. Secondly, keep in mind that the less you think about stress, the better it will be. For this, it is also important to keep yourself busy, the more free time you have, the more negative thoughts come to your mind. If possible, keep yourself engaged in some work
2. Do what you feel like doing.
Many times, due to busy routine, one does not get time to fulfill one's hobbies. But if you live under stress then give some time to the work of your choice. This relaxes the mind and brings a feel good factor while doing mental work. It is not necessary that it be a typical hobby, do whatever work you like.
3. Don't let clutter accumulate
If you want to reduce some tension in life, then do not let clutter accumulate in both your home and mind. Keep cleaning the useless thoughts that come to your mind and which have no basis, through logical reasoning. The more clean your mind is, the easier it will be. Keep this approach in the house, do not let too much stuff and unnecessary things accumulate in the house. Keeping the house clean also makes one feel good and work pressure does not increase, which reduces stress.
4. Yoga-meditation is very beneficial
If you want to avoid stress, then take out some time for yoga or meditation in your daily routine. If you like, you can read spiritual books or watch videos. This type of activity provides solace and calms the mind.
5. Small things of big importance
Be it summer or winter, depending on the season, taking a relaxing shower with cold or hot water is also a stress buster and makes the mind feel good. Apart from this, drink tea, coffee, green tea or a drink of your choice during the day. When you get time in the morning or evening, go for a walk or do exercise. If you ever get time, do self-pampering. You can get spa or massage done, go on short outings or go on vacation. Do small things in your routine that make you happy.
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