Mental Health Matters: Laugh Loudly and See Great Changes...

Mental Health Matters:  Laugh Loudly  and See Great Changes...


 Smiling decreases with age.  There are hardly any people who open their lips and laugh because it is our social belief that the more you study, earn money, and grow up, the more serious you should be.  There is no time to laugh in the midst of a busy lifestyle, but after earning money, the process of laughing becomes less.  It is difficult to find a person who laughs heartily, laughs heartily, laughs heartily, laughs to the point of fainting or laughs to the point of tears.

 70 percent of people in the world have a serious face.  When people laugh, they laugh in different ways like Ha-Ha, Hu-Hu, Hi-Hi etc.  Not only the laughter is different, the purpose is also different.  When you are happy, when you see something strange, when you get something you like, when you see people, you laugh.  Some people laugh even when others are in trouble.  The famous philosopher Osho says, "There is no greater happiness than laughter." The research conducted in medical science has also found that laughter works as a medicine for various diseases.  Smiling people are also less likely to get serious diseases.

 A doctor's smile reduces a patient's pain by half, while a teacher's smile doubles a student's understanding.  A parent's smile develops love and ease in children, while a boss's smile increases the work force and morale of employees.  The smile of a lover-girlfriend dissolves the other's mistakes, weaknesses, desires and stubbornness, melts them and turns them into deep love.  A smile is the heart of love, the soul of life, the path to health and the door to happiness, which gives benefits rather than harm.

 Smiles and laughter are universal languages ​​that can be understood by all languages, people of all ages and even some animals.  An infallible tool used to reduce and negate mental stress, anger, pride, hunger and anxiety, smile or laughter is considered very useful for social life and health.  13 facial muscles are used when smiling, 64 muscles are activated when the face is dark, when angry or worried is more stressed than when laughing, so it uses more muscles, more energy is used, and negative influences hurt more, but that same smile leads to success, friend.  Gives, gives happiness, and because a smile gives a smile, giving a smile is also called the highest donation.

A smile does not cost anything, although a smile gains a lot.  The person who receives a smile is rich and the giver is not poor.  Rich or poor, anyone can become rich with a smile.  The more a smile is shared, the more it grows.  A smile is also a sign of friendship.  A smile cannot be bought or stolen, cannot be begged or borrowed, but it is of great importance.  A smile is inspiring to explain or teach anything, to encourage or to encourage or wake up, its effect is many times more than punishment, but it should not be forgotten that smiling at the wrong time and situation can be fatal.

 If you are able to laugh with your heart open, your body feels lighter and you are freed from stress.  Considering that laughter is also a method of human health and healing, it has also been accepted as an important yoga method since ancient times in yoga practice based on Eastern philosophy.  Although it is accepted in Eastern philosophy that laughter is important for health, scientific research on this matter is yet to be done.

 Now, researches in different countries have revealed that laughing is very beneficial for health and some diseases can be cured by laughter.  Laughter has become a cure for many diseases at a low cost.  One minute of laughter gives you the same amount of energy as 45 minutes of rest.  According to a research conducted by Stanford University in the US, 20 seconds of unrestrained laughter is equivalent to 3 minutes of swimming.  Laughter exercises both the body and the brain.

 If you laugh during the day, you will sleep sweetly at night.  Immunoglobulin increases in the body.  The ability to fight viruses and germs is developed and infection cannot occur.  Laughter brightens the face.  You get positive energy not only for yourself but also for others.  Laughter brings positive changes in the body, increases oxygen, reduces contractions.  Laughter strengthens inner strength, increases disease-fighting power and disease-fighting cells, reduces stress hormones automatically and awakens interest in food.

Just like playing the strings of a sitar/guitar with just one finger makes the surroundings jingle, in the same way, when you laugh loudly, the organs and cells from the head to the feet become agile.  When laughing, there is a lot of blood circulation in the skin, muscles, veins, blood vessels etc.  In addition to the supply of oxygen, the body's agility increases.

 The face is shiny.  Reduction in mental stress, bringing balance to cholesterol also reduces the percentage of heart attacks.  Laughter is also useful for those suffering from anxiety neurosis, psychosis, lethargy, depression, diabetes, high blood pressure.  Laughing hard increases the amount of endorphins in the body and reduces the pain of arthritis, rheumatism, spondolysis and bone joints.  As the breathing becomes active, the blood circulation in the muscles of the lungs and neck increases, and the face becomes red and shiny.  It is as beneficial as physical exercise.

 A study conducted in the UK on 6,600 people for about 4 years has shown that if you smile during normal pain, the pain will reduce by itself.  The conclusion of the research is that if you are not happy, you will feel more pain and need medicine.  Similarly, in the conversations of those who come to the hospital, it is a fact that people who are very happy have to be given more medicine than those who are less happy.  Laughing heartily increases blood flow.  Laughter has also been found to be more effective than modern medicine in some cases.

 In a 5-year study of 333 patients with leg ulcers or ulcers that had not healed for 6 months, researchers at the University of Leeds found that simply scratching or openly laughing led to faster blood flow to the whole body, while ultrasound treatment helped only marginally.

 In a research conducted by the University of Maryland in Baltimore, USA, among 150 people with heart disease and 150 people with healthy heart, heart disease was found in those who laugh less, watch less comedy programs, and laugh less even if they watch.

Laughter is being used as medicine in cancer patients in America.  A healthy baby laughs, a laughing baby is healthy, grows fast, does not get minor illnesses and recovers quickly.  Laughter is also a side-effect-free treatment method.  In the research, when a diabetic was given a funny speech and his blood sugar level was measured after watching a performance by a famous comedian, the post-comedy test showed a very low blood sugar level.  In Japan, laughter therapy has proven to be very useful in treating and preventing diseases that appear in the elderly.  Laughter is also a form of yoga.  It has been found that asthma patients have benefited a lot from yoga practice or exercises that give pleasure.  Yoga practice makes the brain fully or very acutely aware.

 Laughter reduces stress and blood pressure and improves positive thinking, self-defense and brain function.  Laughter increases immunity, protects the heart and has a positive effect on personal and social relationships by making the heart feel relaxed and peaceful.  Therefore, you can get success, happiness and benefits throughout your life through laughter.

 Laughter and smile are similar, but smile is purely joyful, selfless, while laughter is of many types according to human tendency.  A smile is also an indicator of reflecting oneself, illuminating, seducing others towards oneself, giving attractiveness, i.e. communicating or giving information about the process of seduction.  Smiles vary according to circumstances, science, age and time.

 It is said that the sweetest and most attractive smile is the smile given when one Baisalu chooses another Baisalu.  The literature also compares smile as a 'bed less beauty'.  The author is also considered the source of creation.  According to psychology, real laughter is an internal feeling and it comes only in happiness.  Real laughter brings joy not only to yourself but also to others.  It is said - 'sorrow can be washed away by a smile and only a smile can overcome anger.'

                                          Why to Laugh? Let's know what are the benefits of laughing:

 1. Laugh Helps to Circulate Blood in the Body: 

By laughing openly, the blood circulation in our body remains correct.  Actually, when we laugh, more oxygen reaches our body.  Which helps in keeping the heart pumping rate right.

 2. Laughing improves your immune system:

Laughing improves your immune system , which helps in fighting many diseases.  Therefore, for a healthy life, it is important that you start your day with a laugh.

 3. Laughs Gives You Easy Sleep: 

 If you do not sleep easily at night, then start laughing from today itself.  Laughing produces a hormone called melatonin in the body, which helps us to sleep peacefully.

4. Laughing makes our heart work better.  

Also, laughing regularly can prevent heart attack and other heart-related diseases.

 5. Laughs Makes You Ever Young: 

Everyone wants to look young and beautiful.  If you are also one of them then start laughing openly.  Because when we laugh, the muscles in our face start working well.  Due to which there is good blood circulation around the face.  Which makes us look young and beautiful.

 6.  Laughs Removes Mental Stress: 

The work that laughs at removing stress, no medicine can do.  Actually, by laughing, you become more socially active with people, which reduces your stress itself.

 7. Laughing Relaxes Body: 

When we laugh, air comes out of our lungs faster, due to which it helps us to take deep breaths.  Due to this the supply of oxygen in the body is better.  Also, laughing gives us energy, which removes tiredness and lethargy from our body.

8. Benefit in Mental Health: 

 Laughter can play an important role in reducing stress on the mind.  Those who laugh, the pressure of problems is not much on them.

 9. Believe in yourself by Laughter: 

 When a person laughs, he moves towards positivity.  By being positive, we are more logical in every kind of work, whether it is household work or office.  We can do any work in a better way.  If the mind is calm and stress-free, then we have more confidence in ourselves.  Its positive effect is definitely visible in the office as well.

 10. Less Cases of Depression:

 There is a ghazal - 'You who are smiling so much, what is the sorrow that you are hiding'.  While smiling may hide or avoid your sorrow for some time, but if you have a habit of smiling or laughing then depression usually stays away.  Even the gum does not spoil much.  A person who has the habit of laughing or smiling, may be caught by tension or depression for some time, but due to his positive habits, he gets out of it easily.

11.  Relationship too Strong: 

 It is said that include laughter in life, see there will be no shortage of friends.  The reality is that today there are more stressors and less stress relievers.  In such a situation, when a person laughs and smiles and says something, then most people like such a person.  want to talk to them.  Usually such a person who talks positive things, laughs and laughs, then the people or relatives of his group are happy with him.  That's why they want to meet such a person again and again.  Relationships of such a person get better without any effort.


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