How to be a mentally healthy person? A detail synopsis of meaning, origin ,definitions, importance and characteristics of mental health.
How to be a mentally healthy person? A detail synopsis of importance and characteristics of mental health.
The brain plays a very important role in the human body. Because what a person does is done according to the instructions of the brain or his mind. A healthy mind makes healthy and appropriate decisions and a person's life moves in the right direction. Unless you are healthy, you cannot complete any task successfully. Not only that, you can't face various difficult situations. Your mental health measures your happiness in life.
In contemporary times, human life is becoming more complicated due to economic, social and personal problems. People are having to face various difficulties at every step. As a result, people are forced to live a stressful life. Struggles to avoid morning and evening sleep with loneliness and depression.
Social life is also becoming burdensome due to mental illness. Losing from such a life, people have become victims of drugs and depression. Some of them can commit the suicide . In such a situation, it is almost necessary for the person to be mentally healthy. Only those mentally strong people are able to adjust themselves in critical situations.
Human body is just like a machine. Like hardware of the computer is very important, physical part of body or physical health is also important. Like software of the computer is very valuable same like mental health of a person is also crucial. The bond of hardware and software makes a computer like the bonds of physical and mental health regularly interlinked and influence each other.
Who Rooted the term " Mental Health?"
Clifford Whittingham Beers an American author and influential figure in the field of mental hygiene who experienced mental illness and illustrated the value of "Mental Health" in his autobiography " A Mind That Found Itself(1908).
He was born in March 30, 1876 at New Haven, Connecticut and graduated in 1897 of Yale University later he suffered severe episodes of depression and anxiety and was maltreated and abused during his lifetime in mentally ill situations.
He shared his experiences of battered mental health issues and uncomfortable situations situations with mental illness openly in his autobiography. His notable work compelled to reform mental health care and to pay sincere attention to psychiatary and psychology.
Beers was founder of the Connecticut Society for Mental Hygiene in 1908 and the National Committee for Mental Hygiene in 1909, groups that picked up the term Mental Hygiene from Swiss born American psychiatric Adolf Mayer.
He formed the International Committee for Mental Hygiene in 1919 and the American Foundation for Mental Hygiene in 1928. Unfortunately in 1939, Beers symptoms of mental illness returned and he was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in providence, Rhode Island, where he died.
Beers pathetically ended life forcefully tended in formulating mental health policy by establishing a database of mental institutions and keeping statistics on the number of individuals served by those institutions and of the psychiatrists who served them at them.
Beers autobiography has presented his personal struggles to escape from mental illness based on admission to three different mental hospitals. Later, his experiences propounded the mental hygiene movement too.
Meaning of Mental Health
Mental health is the combination of our emotional, psychological and social well being. It is directly associated with how we think, feel and act. It also indicates our happiness level and how we handle carefully our mental health status.
Mental health is the key to person's overall health conditions. Only absence of diseases can't assure that you are a healthy person. Basically, your attitudes and behaviours could be badly affected by your mental illness.
Mental health issues may overcome:
- Biologically concerned with your forefathers genes.
- Struggles and experiences of living life.
- Family history or brain chemistry of mental disorders or anxiety disorders.
Nowadays the world is facing different challenges and mentally stressed world population has been increasing day by day. But no need to worry that mental illness is always curable.
What are the characteristics of mentally healthy person?
Some key features are:
1. Keeps sweet smile on face in challenging circumstances.
2. Feels cool, calm, and comfortable in difficulties.
3. Controls his or her motions of personal emotions.
4. Makes friends easily and performs sociable nature.
5. Delivers optimistic opinions and disregards the pessimistic presentation.
6. Believes in God and trustworthiness.
7. Prioritizes family and discipline.
8. Delivers truthful messages.
9. Performs highly motivated activities.
10. Collects self esteem and self confidence.
11. Never mind and under estimates others.
Psychologists have closely studied and examined the behaviours and lifestyle of a mentally healthy person to find out the common characteristics. These characteristics can be used to recognise the mentally healthy person. Lack of those characteristics in a particular person easily be diagnosed and treated with medication.
Main Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person:
1. Mentally strong individuals have a very high sense of self- esteem or self- confidence.
Each individual has his own measure of measuring himself i.e. his attitudes, emotions and activities on which he evaluates by his personal qualities and activities, capabilities and abilities, skills and decisions. He calculates his position in the family, community and society.
If he sees himself as above average on this scale then he feels proud and dignity. These feelings of superiority may increase his self esteem or self- confidence. Otherwise if he sees himself below average in this scale, then his self esteem or self confidence decreases. If this self esteem repeatedly falls in the below average category or remains below average for a long time, then the person becomes guilty and mental problems or mental illness panic him.
2. Persons who have realization of their self are mentally more healthy than other people.
Self realization is a process of being aware and aware of all manifest and unmanifest aspects and elements related to one's personality.
When do we know how our thoughts are? How is their level? Hiw is nature to our feelings? What is our behaviour? So, this makes us very clear about our own behaviours. We become sincere of our needs, choices , desires and necessities.
Along with this, we also get to know about our personal strengths and weaknesses. Individuals with such situations are able to take the right decisions regarding themselves and the people associated with them in life. They never hesitate to take correct steps too. Such individuals do not suffer from mental complications and as a result their mental health is always in good condition.
3. Mentally healthy person has an increased sense of security.
An individual is a family member and community member and society member too. Mentally healthy person has sense of security. If he has severe problems his members of society come to help him. And also, he delivers selfless support to his community members. Such people have a feeling that they are secure with their family members in their society. Society will be helpful in their development and they will also contribute towards the progress of their society. He lives there joyfully and full of happiness which boosts his moral. As a result, his mental health becomes strong.
4. Mentally healthy individuals have a sense of satisfaction in relation to their physical desires.
Mentally healthy person overwhelms the satisfaction of bodily desires. They feel whatever the needs of their body. If a person becomes physically fit , his mental condition will also strong. As a consequences, the organs like liver, kidney, stomach and mind etc are doing the work efficiently.
When the health problems absence , the pleasure of wearing clothes to body, dishes to satisfy the taste of the tongue, sweet music to listen to etc. Even if they do not get the means they are also able to fulfill them other means. As a result, they become mentally healthy.
5. The habit of being happy and productive is found in mentally healthy people.
They have tremendous ability to be happy and productive if they don't have mental stress. A mentally healthy person has creativity and productivity. Being productive prefers that none of their work is in vain. They do meaningful work for them and for others also. This invigorates life with full of happiness. A happy heart is the best way of having strong mental health .
6. Mentally healthy persons have the ability to keep good relationships:
Healthy body has a healthy mind. Healthy mind provides right decisions in the right time. Mentally healthy people have the ability to build such strong relationships within their family and society. These relationships leads to happiness and satisfaction in life. They feel meaningful in life. They enjoy whatever they have.
Relationships do not seem to be a burden to them. They never believe in false compromises. They never make unrealistic demands to others. As a result, their relationship with others is always satisfactory.
7. Persons who have God's faith and immeasurable belief are mentally healthy.
No one ignores the contribution of Almighty. Our real Gods are parents. The real God of the whole universe is Almighty. Persons in whom God's faith is filled with code,such people are also mentally healthy.
Psychologically praying to God is very helpful to release our mental stress. Mental illness can be treated with healing, meditation and medication. Psychologists attribute this to the emotional connection and support they get. The believer of God never feels alone and helpless in his life.
In fact the most peaceful moments comes when a person pray to God. He maintains his self confidence of life. His hope never goes out. In this way he remains mentally healthy .
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