Healthy Food Signifies a Healthy Mind


Healthy Food Signifies  Healthy Mind 

Food and Nutrition: 

Food is any nutritious substance that people eat or drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth. Everyone needs food and water to live.

Human body needs food to grow, get energy and be safe from diseases. Food can be raw, processed or formulated is consumed orally by for living physically and mentally fit. The main target of having food daily is assimilated to provide energy,  maintain life or growth.

It is essential to eat a healthy and balance diet. Healthy foods signifies  our healthy body and healthy mind. We get nutrients such as carbohydrates,  fats, proteins,  vitamins,  or minerals  from the food we eat daily. All foods contain different substances. It is necessary to eat variety of foods to get different nutrients. 

Food is anything that useful that we eat or drink regularly in a day. It is equally important to avoid unhealthy foods like stale food, junk foods, coloured foods and open street foods. Local foods and seasonal foods are the best for our health. More often homemade foods of your kitchen are the best. 

When we study the terms "Food" and "Nutrition", keeping as synonyms that is not correct completely. Basically food is various ingredients that are consumed for energy and nutrition. Quite opposite nutrition signifies a dynamic process that eaten food is used by the body for nourishment.

Food and its Functions: 

Hungry stomach can't represent active body and mind.  Food has the following functions in the human body: 

●  Food is needed for living alive. Our body cannot survive in the absence of foods.

●  Daily consumption of food fulfills our hunger. 

●  Food prevents us from malnutrition. 

●  Food supplies nutritional need of body.

●  Food provides energy to perform every essential works.

●  Food builds up the cells,  muscles and bones. It helps to repair damaged body cells and maintains them.

●  Food keeps warmth the body.

●   Nutritional food prevents sickness and diseases. 

●  Food keeps the immune system healthy. 

●  Food affects our mental and physical health both.

Food and Body : 

From womb to tomb, food is an essential ingredients that makes us alive. As much as we eat foods, our body invigorates with nutrition. When there is an insufficient intake of balance diet such as the balance combinations of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals,  there is often illness or infection.

Human beings accumulate foods from different sources. Foods are obtained through several methods agriculture, farming, hunting etc. The most commonly accepted source is plants. Some foods comes from edible fungi like mushrooms. Fungi and ambient bacteria are used in the preparation of fermented and pickled foods too. Such foods like alcoholic beverages, cheese, varieties of pickles are based on fermentation.

Food is needed for every living beings. When we see newly born babies after some months they are seen walking just holding their parents fingers. It becomes possible due to food and it contains nutrition. Foods provide us energy. No life is possible without food. The quality of food which we consume daily shapes the quality of the mind and the body. There is a variety in foods we eat. The functions of these foods vary according to their types. Food is classified into mainly two types on the basis of source a. Plant origin and b. Animal origin.

Foods from plants origin are cereals, legumes and pulses, vegetables, roots and tubers and fruits. Foods from animal origin are meat,fish,eggs and milk and milk products. Let's study some important points how healthy foods affect our body: 

1. Human body is just like a machine which needs foods as fuel to run in the daily basis.

2. Cereals are necessary to all children, youths,adults and senior Citizens. These foods include rice, maize, wheat, millet, buckwheat, barley etc contain carbohydrates which  energize body to work. 

3. Carbohydrates help our body even in minor works like walking, studying, carrying loads,playing games, running.

4. Legumes like soybean, black rye beans, long beans, peas, grams produced from our fields in major meal. Besides this, we consume various types of pulses and lentils too. Our body gets protein from these beans and pulses which are essential for growth and development of body.

5. Mustard green, spinach, mustard leaves, lambs quarter, cress ,fenugreek, squash etc are green vegetables and edible vegetables like brinjal, tomato, ladyfinger,pumpkin, striped pear gourd, sponge gourd, green chillies keeps the body healthy, prevent disease and be active and energetic. 

6. Foods like potatoes, carrots, radishes, yams are roots and tubers that are very rich in carbohydrates and minerals that keeps fit our body.

7. Fish, meat , eggs, milk and milk products provide us protein in our body. It helps in body building. 

8. Fruits like guava, papaya, banana, apple, mango, grapes, watermelon, pineapple, pear, lemon, are seasonal fruits. These provide us minerals and vitamins which help our body to fight against diseases. 

9. Non veg items such as meat, fish, eggs and milk products as milk, curd, paneer helps in body growth, development and maintenance of cells and tissues. 

10. In total balance diet is composed of all necessary nutrients foods in the right amount required for run our body. 

Healthy Foods Deliver Healthy Mind 

Many people are living in stress in this busy world.  They are facing difficulties to run their day to day life. They are under stress and in depression. Mental health is as important as physical health. It's obvious that shape  our mind to shape our future. We  must believe in our mind is our own. To make strong ourselves, we must not neglect food.

We have to consume healthy foods daily. Home foods are fresh and healthy, they contain high nutritional value. Food can relieve our mental stress and strain. So, if we have tension, then we have to consume enough food; that helps us to get some relief from stress and depression. 

But we must focus on balance diet.  Sugar and processed food can lead to inflammation throughout the body and brain. It may contribute to mood disorders including anxiety and stress.

Our brain and nervous system depend on nutrition to build proteins, cells and tissues. In order to function effectively the body needs a variety of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. To get all the nutrients that boosts mental functioning,  nutritionists suggest to eat meals and snacks that includes a variety of foods in stead of eating the same meals every day. 

Following three main foods deliver a healthy mind: 

● Complex Carbohydrates ● Lean Proteins ● Fatty Acids 

Mental health problems is unanimously fastest growing threats to public health sectors in the world.  Mainly depression and anxiety disorders are increasing the most. Research has shown that the foods which we consume impacted on mental health. 


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