Causes, symptoms and treatment of stress

 Causes, symptoms and treatment of stress

 There is no such person in today's world who does not have stress.  Having tension is a good thing, but being stressed out of bounds can be dangerous.  When this stress starts bothering us in our everyday life, then only the problem arises.  The person who is always stressed, he should consult someone for treatment.  Remember this is nothing to be ashamed of.  This is not a madness or a disease, but it can happen to any person at any time.

 What is stress?

 Stress Depression is a type of mental disorder.  After any one negative thought dominates the mind, our mental state has a bad effect.  Our brain becomes incapable of functioning properly and being happy at any happy occasion.  This can be called a state of tension.

 Some people have a specific reason for stress and some people don't even have a specific reason.

symptoms of stress




 teeth and jaw grinding


 body tremors


 be sad


 lack of heart


 sleeping more or sleeping less


 overeating or undereating


 pay no attention to anything


 consider yourself inferior to others


 lose confidence in yourself


 get irritated over small things


 feel worthless


 to be disappointed


 contemplating death or suicide


 sleep deprivation


 get angry at what makes you happy


 speak less


 ignore anything


 Reasons for tension


 1. Everyday Life

 Sometimes in our life some such incident happens which affects our life.  Losing someone's life, divorce, losing someone's job, etc.!  All these become due to stress.  The person is unable to get out of them and becomes a victim of stress.

 2. Loneliness

 Being alone sometimes becomes a cause of stress.  If a person is lonely and has no friends then he can be a victim of stress.

 3. Physical ailments

 If any person has a constant physical illness, then he can be a patient of stress.  If someone has heart disease, cancer or any such disease, then the person becomes a victim of stress due to his illness.

 4. Nostalgia

 Depression can happen to anyone at any time, but there are some people who are prone to stress quickly.  It depends on their life how their old life has gone.

 5. Wine

 Alcoholic people who consume too much alcohol become victims of stress.  Thoughts of suicide come in them.

 6. Domestic Discord

 When women are locked in the house for a long time and they are tortured, they get stressed.  Research has revealed that women experience more stress and mental pain than men.

 7. Hereditary

 Depression disorders are sometimes hereditary.  If your parents have depression or stress, then you are also at 80% risk of stress.

How to help yourself under stress?


 1. Exercise

 Exercise for half an hour daily.  Get up every morning and go for a walk.  Due to this the human body remains healthy and he gets good sleep.  This helps in reducing stress.

 2. Healthy Diet

 Take healthy diet.  A person with stress should consume fresh fruits and green vegetables.  Due to this there will be no shortage of vitamins, proteins, iron in his body and there will be a reduction in stress.

 3. Away from Alcohol

 Stay away from alcohol because alcohol does not reduce stress but makes it more.  A person with stress should stay away from alcohol.

 4. Get plenty of sleep

 Due to lack of sleep, a person gets stressed and he remains upset.  If you are not able to sleep, then lie down with your eyes closed and do not let any thoughts enter your mind.  This will help you fall asleep and you will feel relaxed.

 5. Do Meditation and Yoga

 The best way to overcome depression or stress is to do meditation and yoga.  Include yoga and meditation in your daily routine.

 If you think you know the cause of your depression, consider it and don't be discouraged.

6. Washing hands with warm water

 A person with stress should wash his hands with warm water.  When a person is stressed, he should wash his hands with lukewarm water.  This reduces stress.

 7. Listening to Music

 If any person is stressed then he should listen to music.  This can reduce his stress.  He will get rest.


 8. Give Feedbacks

 The person who is feeling stressed should let go of his stress.  For this he should give feedback.  Lest the person be stressed and he should sit quietly.  This situation can be dangerous so don't be afraid to react.

 Tension can also be reduced by shouting at the person suffering from stress.


 9. Laughing Photos

 Seeing laughing pictures of a stressed person or making yourself laugh can reduce the stress inside him.

 10. Drawing or making art

 Drawing should be done to reduce stress.  At the time of stress, there is an effect on the left side of the person, which affects his thinking power.  Therefore, drawing whatever comes to mind on paper can reduce stress.

 11. Take off the slippers

 The stressed person should take off his shoes and walk barefoot on the ground.  This reduces his stress.

 12. Some food

 Under stress, a person loves to eat sweets.  A person with stress should consume sweet and some green vegetables or juicy fruits, which reduces his stress and it is also beneficial for his body.


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