How to get rid of mobile addiction?



 How to get rid of mobile addiction?  

What are the disadvantages of increasing mobile usage and what are the habits to develop a good night's sleep by reducing the use of mobile?  Come and share your thoughts with Sarita's blog.

Don't you sleep at night?   Do you want to sleep well ?  Do you like to use your mobile phone all night long ?  If so, switch off your mobile.  And sleep soundly.  Because mobile addiction can affect your sleep habits.  And your physical and mental health can deteriorate.

Switch Off Your Mobile, Switch On Your Sweet Dreams. Doctors suggest to sleep at least 8 hours a day.  Then, switch off your mobile and go to sleep.

 Sleep is an essential part of your daily routine.  Don't waste sleep.  It is a major indicator of your mental and physical health.  Sleep relaxes both your busy mind and body.

Lack of sleep has a dramatic effect on our body and brain. In this modern  technological world,  alzheimer's, cancer, heart and arterial diseases, obesity, depression, anxiety and even suicide have been linked to sleep deprivation. 

Sleep is a natural therapy to make strong your mental health too.  During sleep, all the systems of the human body are 'renewed'.  If a man  does not get enough sleep, he will be affected.  But sleep should be natural.  Sleeping pills increase the risk of cancer, infections and death.

Sleep is a divine gift that prolongs your life.  Sleep keeps your digestive system healthy.  And your mental health too. Sleep is essential for us.  But nowadays it is clear that people are sleeping less.

 A person gets enough sleep seven to nine hours daily. Getting enough sleep is important not only for physical and mental health but also for creativity and creativity.  Less than seven hours of sleep affects the body and brain of people and affects their ability to resist disease.

The body seeks light for the vital hormones needed for sleep. One of the downsides of development is that we are constantly in the spotlight.  We can make the room dark by reducing the light before going to bed.

 It also means staying away from mobile or TV or computer screen.  The screen emits a 'blue light' that dulls the effects of the sleep hormone melatonin.  So blue light sources should be turned off one hour before bedtime.  Switch off your mobile and fall asleep.

Such problems can also occur due to lack of sleep. like,

Alertness is low.

Memory is affected.

Problems come in the relationship.

Health issues start happening.

There is a problem of irritability and anger.

 People who, in addition to getting enough sleep, also get a few extra hours of sleep when they get time, they can have many health benefits. But it also does not mean that you have to sleep all day.

In today's time, almost every person seems to be using mobile when they look and many people are unable to live without mobile for even 5 minutes, in such a situation many people have to face a lot of trouble due to this, but the way Sarita's blog is telling you,  If you see them paying attention, then you will definitely make a distance from the mobile.

Using mobile is not wrong but it is very important to know how to use it properly and it should be used less so that it does not show much bad effect on your health.

If you have to keep a distance from the mobile, then no one can stop you from making a distance from the mobile because first of all what you think about it in your mind matters more and what you want is very important. If you want to make a distance from the mobile, then first of all you have to leave the mobile from your heart and mind, only then you will get rid of the habit of using your mobile.

be busy with something

 Often all of us use mobile only when we are free and in such a situation we should be busy in some work because when we are expressive in some work, we get less time to use mobile and this helps us.  The attachment towards mobile starts decreasing and gradually we lose the habit of using mobile, this is a very good way to quit mobile addiction.

 turn off phone notifications

 Often our mobiles get notifications of social media etc. This is known to all of you and in such a situation, we frequently check the mobile that whose notification has come, so you should turn off the notifications of social media and unnecessary apps, this will help your phone.  I will not get notifications again and again and your attention will not come again and again on mobile, due to which your mobile habit will be lost quickly.

 set phone usage time

 Many people have no time to use the phone, due to which people use the phone day and night, in such a situation, you should make a fixed time to use your phone, at the same time you use your mobile, so that you will be able to use it again and again.  You will avoid using the phone and you will also get rid of the habit of using your mobile.

 spend time with friends

 It is often seen that people who have few or no friends, they resort to their phones for entertainment, but if you make friends, then you will be able to entertain with friends and with this you will not remember to use the phone.  Will come and for this reason your attachment to the phone will start decreasing gradually.

 stay away from social media

 Most of the people use the phone for social media and many people spend whole day in it which is a waste of time and if you want distance from phone then stay away from social media as much as possible and social media  By uninstalling the app etc., you will not be able to use the phone much for social media and you will get rid of the habit of using your phone.


  1. Its very informative information. Its realy helpful for everyone.Thanks Admin to share with us this type information.


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