Mental Health : Bring Back Your Smile On Your Face
Mental Health : Bring Back Your Smile On Your Face
Mental health is an important aspect of human health. You can not be healthy in absence of mental health. Physical fitness only can't be judged as health of a person.Mental health is a positive concept related to the social and emotional wellbeing of individuals and communities.
Having good mental health, or being mentally healthy, is more than just the absence of illness, rather it’s a state of overall wellbeing.
The term ‘social and emotional wellbeing’ is preferred by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as it reflects a more holistic view of health. It is also used by some people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, who may have differing concepts of mental health and mental illness.
Many people around the world, usually forget that the mind is actually the most important part of our body, and many tend to ignore the fitness of their mind. They generally focus on keeping their physical body healthy.
Man is only considered superior to other animals because of his highly developed brain. So, it is very important for a person to keep both his body and mind fit and healthy. Both mental health and physical health go hand in hand and are equally important for optimum performance and quality of life.
An emotionally fit person will always feel vibrant and truly alive and will easily manage emotionally difficult situations. Mental fitness follows physical fitness. There are many emotional factors that significantly affect our fitness level, like depression, aggression, negative thinking, anxiety, frustration, etc. A person, who is physically fit and in a good mood, can easily cope up with any situation of distress and difficulty.
As we fall sick physically, in a similar manner, we can also fall sick mentally. Mental illness does not mean that you’re going crazy, and one should not be ashamed of it. Our society needs to change its perception of mental illness or disorder. Mental illness is the instability of one’s health, which includes changes in emotion, abnormal thinking and behaviour.
Mental illness is usually caused because of stress, or it can also be due to a reaction to a certain traumatic incident. According to many types of research, it has been found that mental illness could also arise from genetic factors, biochemical imbalances, child abuse or trauma, social disadvantage, poor physical health conditions etc.
People suffering from mental health issues show various symptoms like lack of energy, pushing away people, not making any physical activities, loss of sleep or the will to eat, smoking or drinking or even doing drugs, feeling helpless, yelling and fighting, losing temper very quickly, harming themselves.
It can be so easy for us to take our mental health for granted; to prioritise other things; to put it off until next week. It can also seem too big and too hard. But it’s not. There are some things everyone can do. The following are some tips to get you started.
Sleep Well & Eat Well :
Sleep affects our physical and mental health, but can be the first thing we trade in when we get busy or stressed.
Make Balance Between Work & Rest :
Balance in life is important, so taking time out for things you enjoy can make a difference to how you think and feel.
Do Some Exercises & Eat Nutritious Food :
Our physical and mental health is closely linked, so adding exercise and nutritious food every day can make us feel better.
Involve in Active Communication :
Our connection to others is what builds us up and keeps us strong.
Handle Your Stress :
If you have trouble winding down or managing thoughts you may find relaxation, yoga or writing your feelings down helpful.
Enjoy & Refreshed in Regular Intervals:
Being part of a group with common interests provides a sense of belonging so find out about sporting, music, volunteer or community groups locally.
Energies Yourself :
Learning improves your mental fitness and taking on a new challenge can build confidence and give you a sense of achievement.
Believe in Yourself :
Everyone is unique and should be celebrated. Know who you are and what makes you happy.
Be Optimistic but Don't be Overambitious :
It is good to be specific when you set a goal to help keep you on track.
Don't Hesitate to Take Mental Health Services:
Everyone needs support from time to time. Talking to a family member, a friend, your doctor or one of the many services available can make all the difference.Mental health and wellbeing is important to individuals, families, schools, workplaces and communities. There is a role for all of us to play.
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