21 The Most Prominent Tips For You To Improve Your Overall Health.

 21 Prominent Tips For You To Improve Your Overall Health.

Sometimes we are not satisfied with our behaviours, diary, habits, activities.  We are trying to stop or change our seemingly wrong behaviours, but we are not able to. Then, what should we do ? We must make our strong resolution to make the change.

Resolution means determination to start something new.  Which plays an important role in bringing positive changes in life. 21 positive tips for you to improve your both mental and physical health .

So what kind of resolution?  Here are some suggestions on how to look or get the sound health in your daily life.

 1.  Self care

 Self-care. In the midst of a busy lifestyle and running, you are neglecting our own health. You don't always care much about your own health when you talk about others.  But, the resolution of self-care should always be your first priority.

 2.  Early to bed & early to rise.

Sleeping is rest. It gives you enough time to relax your body. After then, get up early in the morning is good for your health. However, most people find it difficult to get up in the morning. According to experts, getting up before sunrise is considered beneficial.

 3.  Eat healthy

 Healthy food & healthy eating is very important for a healthy body. Prepared and processed food causes various diseases. Therefore, it is important for us to always eat healthy food.

4.  Exercise daily

 Physicians recommend exercising for at least 30 minutes daily.  Exercising daily will keep the body healthy and prevent unnecessary weight gain.

 5.  Sleep on time

 It is just as important to get up early in the morning as it is to get to bed at night. At least 7-8 hours of sleep should be completed. The habit of sleeping late can lead to various diseases in the body.

 6.  Less use of digital devices including mobiles

 Various digital devices including mobiles have become essential for us now.  It has its own importance and benefits.  However, it is equally important to operate these devices only in the required amount.

 7.  Taking care of mental health along with physical

 Mental health is an important issue for us.  The body is not only healthy.  You also have to be mentally healthy. Taking too much stress, thinking unnecessarily can create mental health problems in people.  Therefore, one should resolve to take care of mental health along with physical.

 8.  Determined to continue what I do

 Everyone makes  various plans daily.  Some plans are completed and some are incomplete. You are not able to continue the work we have started.  Therefore, you  have to resolve to continue what we do this year.

 9.  Quit smoking and alcohol

 Smoking and alcohol are harmful to health.  But most of them are addicted to it.  They want to quit, but they can't. However, they need to make an effort. Smoking and drinking can lead to minor illnesses and even deadly cancers.

10.  To wander

 Anyone who likes to hang out and have fun. Walking makes people feel refreshed. It makes them happy.  Therefore, it is necessary to resolve to move around from time to time.

 11.  Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables

 Fruits and vegetables are essential for good health.  You  can get various vitamins from fruits and vegetables. The amount of fruits and vegetables should be increased in food.

 12.  Mandatory wearing of mask, washing hands with soap and water

 After the epidemic of Covid-19, the practice of washing hands with soap and water has become mandatory. This practice protects not only from corona but also from various contagious diseases.

 13.  Not having unprotected sex

 Unprotected sex is a cause of many diseases.  Various diseases, including HIV / AIDS, are transmitted through unprotected sex. You must apply safe sex.

 14.  Doing yoga and meditation for stress management

 Experts say that meditation is the best way to manage stress. Yoga and meditation not only make the body healthier, it also plays a big role in stress management.

 15.  Perform necessary health check-up  regularly

 Most people have a habit of going to the hospital only when they have an illness. However, regular health check-up so can help prevent future illnesses.

 16.  To control weight

 Weight gain is one of the common causes of weight gain due to healthy lifestyle and diet.  Obesity can be considered as a cause of various diseases. So from today, let's resolve to exercise regularly, eat healthy and control body weight.

17.  Skin care

 Skin care is another important issue. You only pay attention to the external beauty.  However, You do not pay much attention to skin care.  You use various cosmetic products voluntarily.  Don't drink too much water.  Due to which various skin problems appear. Therefore, attention should be paid to skin care.

 18.  To donate blood

 Blood donation is life donation.  However, you  are still reluctant to donate blood.  It is also important to decide to donate blood according to your health condition.

 19.  Don't eat fatty, greasy foods or processed foods

 These gossips must entice the tongue.  However, it is very harmful to health. Fatty, greasy and processed foods only work to increase the disease in the body. Therefore, you should resolve to reduce such foods as much as possible.

 20.  Drink plenty of water

 Water is essential for the body. Drinking plenty of water can keep the body healthy.  Lack of water affects the kidneys, heart and whole body.

 21.  Eat less sugary foods

 Sweet foods are the choice of many. Even though sweets are sweet in taste, they are not good for health. Sweet foods can lead to diabetes and increase body weight unnecessarily.


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